Our Team

Lead Designer & Partner – Balaji VM

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Balaji VM is our talented Lead Designer and Partner. With a passion for creativity and an eye for detail, Balaji brings a wealth of experience to our team. He has worked on numerous successful design projects, consistently delivering innovative and visually stunning solutions. Balaji’s expertise and artistic vision play a crucial role in shaping the aesthetic appeal of our products and services.

Creator & Founder – Arun Nagarathanam

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Arun Nagarathanam is the driving force behind Aruntastic.com. As the Creator and Founder, Arun’s entrepreneurial spirit and dedication have been instrumental in establishing our platform as a leading provider of fitness and wellness solutions. With a strong background in technology and a deep understanding of customer needs, Arun has guided the development of our products and services, ensuring that they effectively meet the demands of our users.

Together, We Make It Happen

At Aruntastic.com, our team is passionate about delivering exceptional experiences to our users. With Balaji’s creative expertise and Arun’s visionary leadership, we strive to provide innovative solutions that inspire and empower individuals on their fitness journey. Our team is committed to continuously improving our platform and creating a positive impact in the lives of our users.